Before I go any further, I want to apologise for the bluriness of two of the pictures. I'm going to try and re-shoot it when I see the new parents again but until then, the first blurry picture.
The mum-to-be didn't realise it, but she picked out the fabric during a random visit to my house. The printed squares are from a honey bun of "Sultry" from Basic Grey that I had in my stash. I have been wanting to try a Postage Stamp quilt for a while and I thought this was the perfect opportunity. Each little square measures out to 1x1 inches. Yes you read that right; I lost my mind.
Anyhow, when I went to put the squares together something didn't seem right so I add the sashing for some pizazz which turned a crib-size quilt into something that was nearly queen.
But what I really love about this quilt, is that I took a chance on the quilting. Yes it's hand-quilted with no. 12 perle cotton but I wanted to do something more/different with the quilting (mainly, I wanted to literally do something out of the box).
Though there is some 'box' work, the actual patchwork square has an off-centered flower quilted into each one (I free-handed each one entirely, including the center circle). I love how it turned out; it's subtle enough not to appear on the front but when you look closely on the back you see this --
I absolutely adore this quilt. The size of the stamps is perfect for a baby quilt! And the, you are my hero. Can I get lessons??